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Anual Report 2011

Law Electronic Crime and the Dignity of Human Beings The Seminar “Electronic Crime and the Dignity of President of the Rotary Club de São Paulo Jorge Roberto Human Beings” was a partnership between the Faculdades Corrêa Zantut, Coriolano Aurélio Almeida Camargo Santos, Integradas Rio Branco, Rotary Club de São Paulo and from the OAB – High Technology Crimes Commission and the Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil – OAB (Brazilian Bar member of the Rotary Club de São Paulo, Fernando de Pinho Association) in São Paulo. Barreira, from OAB - High Technology Crimes Commission Issues such as Human Dignity, a view under the light of and by the general director of the Faculdades Integradas Comparative Law, Cyber bulling and the Challenges of Public Rio Branco, Edman Altheman. The partnership that resulted Safety were discussed by the Brazilian Bar Association in the Seminar was forged between Jorge Roberto Corrêa lecturers Renato Opice Blum, Marco Aurélio Pinto Florêncio Zantut, Francisco Carneiro Filho, Juliana Abrusio Florêncio and Police Commissioner de Souza, Coriolano Higor Vinícius Nogueira Jorge. Also present were Francisco Aurélio Almeida Camargo Carneiro de Souza and Coriolano Aurélio Almeida Camargo Santos, Edman Altheman Santos, who talked about the importance of family and the and Paulo Sérgio Feuz, parental presence in the lives of children following their Coordinator for the Law educational process from conception through adulthood. Course at the Faculdades The opening of the seminar was carried out by the Integradas Rio Branco. Edman Altheman, Renato Opice Blum, Fernando de Pinho Barreira, Marco Aurélio Pinto Florêncio Filho and Jorge Roberto Corrêa Zantut Traffic for Life Law professionals debated on the Law Against Drunk Eluf, Prosecutor, Maurício Januzzi Santos, lawyer and president Driving and the need to make it an effective instrument for of the OAB (Brazilian Bar Association) Subsection of Pinheiros, fighting against the impunity in cases of traffic offenses carried Gabriel de Carvalho Sampaio, head of the Rule Development out by drunk drivers. The discussions had the contribution Department of the Ministry of Justice, in addition to the of Alberto Zacharias Toron, lawyer and Ph.D. in Criminal Law, teachers of the Faculdades Integradas Rio Branco, Alessandro Fernando Capez, state congressman, Ph.D. in Law, Rafael Cortona, Paulo Sérgio Feuz, and Ulisses Prates Junior, the Baltresca, whose family was a traffic fatal victim, Luiza Nassif debate mediator. Professionals of the Law area debated on the Law Against Drunk Driving 3rd Intercourses Forum on Consumer Relations With the purpose of promoting a debate on consumer rights, the students from the 6th period of the Public Relations and Law courses of the Faculdades Integradas Rio Branco promoted the 3rd Intercourses Forum on Consumer Relations. At the opening of the forum, its creator, Renata Carraro, teacher of the Social Communications course, talked about the importance of the event considering the issue of consumer rights from two perspectives: the company-client relationship perspective, by students of Public Relations, and the legislation perspective, by Law students. The 3rd Intercourses forum united teachers and students to discuss on consumer rights 39

Anual Report 2011
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